Sara Nicastro

Sara Nicastro wurde in Bari im Süden Italiens geboren. Schon in jungen Jahren begann sie, Ballett, moderne Techniken und zeitgenössischen Tanz zu lernen und 2012 trat sie der Junior Dance Company Bari (Italien) bei. Von 2016 bis 2019 studierte sie zeitgenössischen Tanz an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK, wo sie in Stücken von Itzik Galili, Barak Marshall und Ihsan Rustem auftrat, die u.a. auch beim renommierten „Steps“ Festival (Schweiz) aufgeführt wurden. Noch während ihrem Studium tanzte sie auch in der „imPerfect Dancers Company“ (Italien) und tourte durch Europa, die USA und Südamerika. Seit 2022 ist sie Mitglied der Tanzcompagnie am Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.
Sara Nicastro was born in Bari, in the south of Italy. She started to study ballet and modern techniques when she was very young and after discovering contemporary dance she joined Junior Dance Company Bari in 2012. From 2016 to 2019 she studied contemporary dance at Zürich University of the Arts ZHdK, where she danced in pieces by Itzik Galili, Barak Marshall and Ihsan Rustem, among others which have been performed at the „Steps“ festival (Switzerland). In 2018 Sara joined the „imPerfect Dancers Company“ (Italy)touring Europe, USA and the South America. Since 2022 she has been a member of the dance company at the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.
Sara Nicastro was born in Bari, in the south of Italy. She started to study ballet and modern techniques when she was very young and after discovering contemporary dance she joined Junior Dance Company Bari in 2012. From 2016 to 2019 she studied contemporary dance at Zürich University of the Arts ZHdK, where she danced in pieces by Itzik Galili, Barak Marshall and Ihsan Rustem, among others which have been performed at the „Steps“ festival (Switzerland). In 2018 Sara joined the „imPerfect Dancers Company“ (Italy)touring Europe, USA and the South America. Since 2022 she has been a member of the dance company at the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.