Eefje van den Bergen

Eefje van den Bergen wurde 2001 in den Niederlanden geboren. Sie begann ihre professionelle Tanzausbildung bei Codarts/Rotterdam und setzte dann ihr Studium im zeitgenössischen Tanz an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste fort. Während ihres Studiums tanzte in Stücken von Dor Mamalia, Darius Nowak und Winston Arnon. 2020 trat Eefje als Praktikantin dem Ensemble des Stadttheaters Bremerhaven unter der Leitung von Sergei Vanaev bei. Nach ihrem Abschluss im Jahr 2021 arbeitete sie weiterhin als freiberufliche Tänzerin in Deutschland und im Ausland und nahm an verschiedenen Produktionen von Choreografen wie Kinsun Chan, Bärbel Stenzelberger, Andrea Danae Kingston und in der Kompanie von Billinger&Schulz teil. Seit 2022 ist Eefje festes Mitglied der Tanzcompagnie am Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.
Eefje van den Bergen was born in the Netherlands in 2001. She began her professional dance training at the pre-education of Codarts, and then continued her studies in contemporary dance at the Zurich University of the Arts. During her studies, she was fortunate to dance in pieces from among others; Dor Mamalia, Darius Nowak and Winston Arnon. In 2020, Eefje joined as an apprenticeship the ensemble of Stadttheater Bremerhaven under the direction ofSergei Vanaev. After graduating in 2021, she continued to work as a freelance dancer in Germany and abroad taking partin a various productions of choreographers such as Kinsun Chan, Bärbel Stenzelberger, Andrea Danae Kingston and in the company of Billinger&Schulz. Since 2022, Eefje has been a permanent member of the dance company at Gerhart Hauptmann Theater Görlitz-Zittau.
Eefje van den Bergen was born in the Netherlands in 2001. She began her professional dance training at the pre-education of Codarts, and then continued her studies in contemporary dance at the Zurich University of the Arts. During her studies, she was fortunate to dance in pieces from among others; Dor Mamalia, Darius Nowak and Winston Arnon. In 2020, Eefje joined as an apprenticeship the ensemble of Stadttheater Bremerhaven under the direction ofSergei Vanaev. After graduating in 2021, she continued to work as a freelance dancer in Germany and abroad taking partin a various productions of choreographers such as Kinsun Chan, Bärbel Stenzelberger, Andrea Danae Kingston and in the company of Billinger&Schulz. Since 2022, Eefje has been a permanent member of the dance company at Gerhart Hauptmann Theater Görlitz-Zittau.