Gianna Sargent

Gianna wurde in Perth, Westaustralien, geboren. Sie begann schon in jungen Jahren mit Ballettunterricht. Später trat sie in das vorberufliche Programm von Charlesworth Ballet (jetzt Youth Ballet WA) ein, wo sie Ballett, zeitgenössischen Tanz und verschiedene andere Tanzstile studierte. Im Jahr 2019 zog Gianna nach Deutschland, um an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Mannheim unter der Leitung von Agnès Noltenius einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Tanz zu machen. Dort hatte sie die Gelegenheit, mit Choreografen wie Ken Ossola, Juliano Nunes und Jon Olstad zu arbeiten und beim Dubai Expo 2020 aufzutreten. An derselben Universität nahm sie am Masterprogramm in Choreografie teil, das auch Aufführungen in Bridget Breiners „Das Mädchen & der Nussknacker“ mit dem Staatsballett Karlsruhe umfasste. In dieser Saison wirkt Gianna als Auszubildende der Tanzcompagnie am Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau und wird ihre Masterarbeit über Themen schreiben, die mit ihrer Erfahrung in der Compagny zusammenhängen.
Gianna was born in Perth, Western Australia. She began taking ballet classes at an early age. Later she joined Charlesworth Ballet’s pre-professional program (now Youth Ballet WA), where she studied ballet, contemporary dance and various other dance styles.
In 2019, Gianna moved to Germany to complete a bachelor’s degree in dance at the University of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim under the direction of Agnès Noltenius where she had the opportunity to work with choreographers such as Ken Ossola, Juliano Nunes, and Jon Olstad, and to perform at the Dubai Expo 2020. At the same University she attended the master program in choreography which involved performing in Bridget Breiner’s ‘Das Mädchen & Der Nussknacker’ with the Staatsballett Karlsruhe as well. Gianna joined this season the Tanzcompagnie at Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau as an apprentice and will write her master’s thesis on topics related to this year of experience with the company.
Gianna was born in Perth, Western Australia. She began taking ballet classes at an early age. Later she joined Charlesworth Ballet’s pre-professional program (now Youth Ballet WA), where she studied ballet, contemporary dance and various other dance styles.
In 2019, Gianna moved to Germany to complete a bachelor’s degree in dance at the University of Music and Performing Arts Mannheim under the direction of Agnès Noltenius where she had the opportunity to work with choreographers such as Ken Ossola, Juliano Nunes, and Jon Olstad, and to perform at the Dubai Expo 2020. At the same University she attended the master program in choreography which involved performing in Bridget Breiner’s ‘Das Mädchen & Der Nussknacker’ with the Staatsballett Karlsruhe as well. Gianna joined this season the Tanzcompagnie at Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau as an apprentice and will write her master’s thesis on topics related to this year of experience with the company.