Jun Wang
Jun Wang wurde in Jiangsu, China, geboren. Er absolvierte die Shanghai Dance School und trat anschließend dem Shanghai Dance Theater bei, wo er umfangreiche Bühnenerfahrung in verschiedenen Produktionen sammelte. Später setzte er seine Karriere bei der Shanghai JinXing Dance Company fort und arbeitete mit Künstlern wie Michael Schumacher, Emanuel Gat, Charles Linehan, Jutta Hell/Dieter Baumann und Arthur Keggeleyn zusammen. Seit 2018 arbeitet Jun als freischaffender Tänzer, kollaborierte mit Jianhui Wang und Chuck Jones von NDT1 und trat in Shanghai auf. Anschließend setzte er seine Ausbildung im zeitgenössischen Tanz an der Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in Österreich fort, wo er dem Bodhi Project Contemporary Dance Company beitrat. Dort arbeitete er mit renommierten Choreografen wie Guy Nader/Maria Campos Arroyo, Francesco Scavetta, Lisi Estaras und Jose Agudo zusammen und tourte ausgiebig durch europäische Länder. Jun ist seit 2021 Mitglied der Tanzcompagnie am Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.
Jun Wang was born in Jiangsu, China. He graduated from the Shanghai Dance School and then joined the Shanghai Dance Theater, where he gained extensive stage experience in various productions. Later, he continued his career at the Shanghai JinXing Dance Company, collaborating with artists such as Michael Schumacher, Emanuel Gat, Charles Linehan, Jutta Hell/Dieter Baumann, and Arthur Keggeleyn. Since 2018, Jun has worked as a freelance dancer, collaborating with Jianhui Wang and Chuck Jones from NDT1 and performing in Shanghai. He then continued his training in contemporary dance at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in Austria, where he joined the Bodhi Project Contemporary Dance Company. There, he worked with renowned choreographers including Guy Nader/Maria Campos Arroyo, Francesco Scavetta, Lisi Estaras, and Jose Agudo, touring extensively across European countries. Jun has been a member of the dance company at Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau since 2021.
Jun Wang was born in Jiangsu, China. He graduated from the Shanghai Dance School and then joined the Shanghai Dance Theater, where he gained extensive stage experience in various productions. Later, he continued his career at the Shanghai JinXing Dance Company, collaborating with artists such as Michael Schumacher, Emanuel Gat, Charles Linehan, Jutta Hell/Dieter Baumann, and Arthur Keggeleyn. Since 2018, Jun has worked as a freelance dancer, collaborating with Jianhui Wang and Chuck Jones from NDT1 and performing in Shanghai. He then continued his training in contemporary dance at the Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance in Austria, where he joined the Bodhi Project Contemporary Dance Company. There, he worked with renowned choreographers including Guy Nader/Maria Campos Arroyo, Francesco Scavetta, Lisi Estaras, and Jose Agudo, touring extensively across European countries. Jun has been a member of the dance company at Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau since 2021.