Rafail Boumpoucheropoulos

Geboren und aufgewachsen in Athen, begann Rafail im Alter von 8 Jahren mit Shito-Ryu Karate und erweiterte später seine Aktivitäten auf Leichtathletik, Weitsprung, Tauchen und Gymnastik. Mit 14 Jahren entdeckte er seine Leidenschaft für den Tanz und wurde an der Nationalen Tanzschule (KSOT) aufgenommen, wo er 2017 seinen Abschluss machte. 2018 begann er als Tänzer bei der wee dance company zu arbeiten, und 2024 trat er der Tanzcompagnie des Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau bei.
Born and raised in Athens, Rafail began practicing Shito-Ryu karate at the age of 8, later expanding into athletics, long jump, diving, and gymnastics. Discovering a passion for dance at the age of 14, Rafail was accepted into the National School of Dance (KSOT), where he graduated in 2017. In 2018, he began working as a dancer with the Wee Dance Company, and in 2024, he joined the dance company Gerhart-Hautmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.
Born and raised in Athens, Rafail began practicing Shito-Ryu karate at the age of 8, later expanding into athletics, long jump, diving, and gymnastics. Discovering a passion for dance at the age of 14, Rafail was accepted into the National School of Dance (KSOT), where he graduated in 2017. In 2018, he began working as a dancer with the Wee Dance Company, and in 2024, he joined the dance company Gerhart-Hautmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.