Ruri Wakiyama
Ruri Wakiyama ist eine talentierte Tänzerin, die 2004 in Japan geboren wurde und bereits im Alter von drei Jahren mit dem Tanzen begann. Im Jahr 2020 zog sie nach Deutschland, wo sie 2024 ihren Bachelor in Tanz an der Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden abschloss. Während ihres Studiums erhielt sie sowohl das Deutschlandstipendium als auch das STIBET-Stipendium, was ihre herausragenden Leistungen und ihr Engagement unterstreicht. In Dresden hatte Ruri die Möglichkeit, mit renommierten Choreografen wie Kinsun Chan, Gentian Doda, Nicholas Palmquist und Kristian Lever zu arbeiten. Zudem konnte sie das Repertoire von Ohad Naharin aufführen und die Gaga-Techniken studieren, die für ihre innovative Herangehensweise an Bewegung bekannt sind. In dieser Spielzeit ist Ruri als Auszubildende am Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau, was eine aufregende neue Phase in ihrer Karriere darstellt.
Ruri Wakiyama is a talented dancer who was born in Japan in 2004 and began dancing at the age of three. In 2020, she moved to Germany, where she completed her Bachelor's degree in Dance at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden in 2024. During her studies, she received both the Deutschlandstipendium and the STIBET scholarship, highlighting her outstanding achievements and commitment. In Dresden, Ruri had the opportunity to work with renowned choreographers such as Kinsun Chan, Gentian Doda, Nicholas Palmquist, and Kristian Lever. She also performed the repertoire of Ohad Naharin and studied the Gaga techniques, known for their innovative approach to movement. This season, Ruri is an apprentice at the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau, marking an exciting new phase in her career.
Ruri Wakiyama is a talented dancer who was born in Japan in 2004 and began dancing at the age of three. In 2020, she moved to Germany, where she completed her Bachelor's degree in Dance at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden in 2024. During her studies, she received both the Deutschlandstipendium and the STIBET scholarship, highlighting her outstanding achievements and commitment. In Dresden, Ruri had the opportunity to work with renowned choreographers such as Kinsun Chan, Gentian Doda, Nicholas Palmquist, and Kristian Lever. She also performed the repertoire of Ohad Naharin and studied the Gaga techniques, known for their innovative approach to movement. This season, Ruri is an apprentice at the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau, marking an exciting new phase in her career.